Deb has assisted in the health and wellness of countless people since 1987.
Selected training and credentials:
- M.S. degree in Exercise Science, Human Movement Science concentration
- Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork by the NCBTMB
- Licensed massage therapist in Montana, New Mexico, and Idaho.
- Corrective Exercise Specialist
- Former chair of the Montana Board of Massage Therapy
- Former instructor St. John Neuromuscular Therapy Seminars
- Founder PMT Seminars
Deb’s Approach:
- Clinically-based, incorporating evidence and best practices.
- Structurally-based / posturally-based. Postural imbalances in the body may be a contributor to your pain or in response to your pain. These postural imbalances provide clues as to where to begin. Generally, when the imbalances are reduced, so is the pain.
- There is no gain in pain. Deb’s goal is to calm the nervous system to change the noxious signals experienced as pain. If you experience pain beyond slight discomfort with the work, that’s counterproductive to the healing process. Some clients have so much pain that they are only able to tolerate very light pressure. Deb uses a variety of techniques to work within your tolerance levels.
- Clients with chronic pain and trauma (injury)
- Students and clients include physical therapists, occupational therapists, massage therapists, Feldenkrais practitioners, Pilates instructors, and personal trainers.
- Hand Therapy of San Francisco
Provided massage therapy to all clients including pre- and post-op surgical patients
- Hand Therapy of San Francisco
- Voice therapy / Speech pathology patients
Patients referred included mouth and tongue cancer survivors, those with trauma to the breath and speech mechanisms.
- Voice therapy / Speech pathology patients
- Professional and student musicians
Treatment of repetitive strain injuries. Exploration of the effect of postural imbalance on sound, tone and the ease of playing ability. A musician with postural imbalances uses bodily resources to hold themselves up instead of putting that energy into their playing. Clients reported a difference in performance when postural imbalances were removed from the energy equation. Plus, musicians noted that moving the initiation point of their playing (fingering, bowing, etc) from the extremities to their center, also improved their performance.
- Professional and student musicians
- Physician and health practitioner referrals
Treatment for trauma: Motor vehicle collisions, falls, and other injuries.
- Physician and health practitioner referrals
- Pre- and post-op referrals
Specific massage therapy can sometimes prevent the need for surgery, but in cases where it can’t, it prepares the tissues to facilitate the healing process through increased circulation. Post-operatively, scar tissue release work can prevent binding and restricting movement in the fascia. Restrictions in the connective tissue web (aka fascia) can contribute to holding pain patterns in the body.
- Pre- and post-op referrals
- Pregnancy
Posture may become compromised with pregnancy. The knees lock back and the pelvis tips forward, like tipping a bowl (into anterior tilt). There is a simple routine that helps restore the pelvis to a more normal position. This helps tremendously with balance, low back pain, and leg pain. In addition, it helps re-align the pelvis to assist in the birthing process and may help prevent back contractions.
- Pregnancy
This is only a partial list…